Press releases
- Notice on the revised tourist visa fees
- Press Release regarding National Democracy day 18-Feb-2018
- The Press Release on Handing over of Letter of Commission by Ambassador to newly appointed Honorary Consul of Nepal to Alberta, Canada.
- ICAO 2016
- Canada-Nepal Parliamentary Friendship Group
- National Day 23 September 2016
- Nepal ready to Welcome
- Press Release regarding PMDRF – 15-Sep-2015
- संविधानको विधेयकको मस्यौदामा आफ्नो राय, सुझाव वा प्रतिक्रिया दिने सम्बन्धी नेपाली राजदूतावास, ओटवाको समस्त नेपाली नागरिकहरुलाई अत्यन्त जरुरी अनुरोध
- Earthquake Important Notice
- Press Release regarding the condolences to the Earthquake victims in Nepal and Activities of Embassy of Nepal, Ottawa
- H. E. Mr. Kali Prasad Pokhrel presenting the Credentials as Representative of Nepal to ICAO
- H. E. Mr. Kali Prasad Pokhrel, Ambassador of Nepal to Canada presented to H. E. Right Honourable Governor General of Canada David Johnston the Letter of Credence on February 18, 2015
Handlng over LoC to Mr. Bernard Voyer - Interaction program about Tourism Promotion in Ottawa